A             -               Alive we shall keep the burning fire of ALPHA KAPPA RHO

L              -               Love is one’s strength
P              -               Power we posses
H             -               Honour we shall give to ALPHA KAPPA RHO
A             -               Allegiance we pledge to ALPHA KAPPA RHO

K              -               Keep and preserve the good name of ALPHA KAPPA RHO
A             -               Always we shall defend the name of ALPHA KAPPA RHO
P              -               Powerful and influential we shall be
P              -               Purity shall be the policy
A             -               Aide and assistance shall be given to our brethren

R              -               Reputation we promise to keep attained
H             -               Humble and humane we shall be
O             -               Onward to success with struggle to victory and glory
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