The true Skeptron believes that there is such thing as truth, and that in can best be determined in a free and open contest for the allegiance of men's minds.
The true Skeptron believes while the people may not always be right, they are usually right and that in the end, if the people are given free rein to choose and to select, righteousness, truth, and justice will prevail.
 The true Skeptron concedes that he may be wrong, but will fight like fury to prove that he is not wrong.
The true Skeptron believes in progress toward the goal of peace, justice, and freedom. He believes in the greatest good for the greatest number. He believes that men can be led to happiness and to prosperity, but neither terrorized nor driven toward these goals.

The true Skeptron believes in reason and enlightenment rather than in fear or superstition; in judgment rather than in passion; in debate rather than in intrigue.

The true Skeptron believes that the poor must not be oppressed nor must the rich be persecuted. Products for social usefulness rather than for selfish profit are his Creed. Each man should be paid in accordance with his contribution; but each is entitled to a decent livelihood. Each man, woman, and child must have equal opportunity to succeed in life, regardless of sex, or of the social and economic status of his parents.

The true Skeptron does not believe that the common masses should be condemned to a life of poverty or suffering, or that he grants that any of us is endowed by the Creator with superior rights to rule of to prevail. He does not believe that one class be ruled. He believes that one class should rule and another class be ruled.

The true Skeptron believes that government should represent all the people; that while the majority should prevail, the rights of the minority must at all costs be defended. The minority today may be the majority of tomorrow. Skeptrons must tear any insipient stratification of society. There must be no aristocracy of wealth, no being to privilege born.

The true Skeptron is the art of government. It is the art of getting things done by effective leadership and by effective appeal to the people to follow responsible leadership. That is the right kind of being Skeptrons. It is also right that there be an honest, above-board, and straight-forward organization which maintains its integrity by being at all times responsive and responsible to the popular will.

The true Skeptron maintains his inner strength by organic unity. He maintains his power by carrying out the wishes of his fraternity. He must overcome all forces of reaction that continuously obstruct his progress in every direction. His allegiance to Alpha Kappa Rho must first of all to principles, and second, to the men and women who personify those principles. He must build his fraternity around ideas rather than around men.

The true Skeptron stands for Truth. Skeptrons must lead through advocacy of ideas and integrity of character; for no Skeptron is great or good enough to hold a mortgage on other people’s mind, to think for them and decide what is best for them.

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